


当前位置:首页 » 升降机泵站入口电磁放气阀故障如何解决?


文章出处:力盏机械 人气:1697 发表时间:2017-03-19 14:42:50

Lifting platform manufacturers to introduce the pump outlet air pressure will pump the pump, pump oil will return to the vacuum chamber, the air will enter into the vacuum chamber to destroy the vacuum system. Therefore, special valves are needed to separate the pump and the vacuum chamber to prevent air and pump oil from entering the vacuum chamber. 

Lifting platform manufacturers to analyze electromagnetic differential pressure release valve lifting platform of the vacuum pump inlet special valve, the power supply and the lifting platform pump power interlock, bleed valve is

arranged in the pump inlet pipe, its function: when the pump power or control switch, solenoid valve action, to the pump inlet gas, and depended on the atmospheric pressure automatically shut down the pipe between the pump and the vacuum chamber. When the pump starts, the electromagnetic valve is closed, the pump is pumped out of the valve cavity, and then the valve plate is opened by the spring pressure, so that the air intake of the pump and the lifting platform pump is communicated with the air inlet of the pump. 
